Damage to life and property due to tropical storm-induced storm surges occur as a result of the inundation of low-lying lands in the shore. Storm surge is primarily originated by pressure induced on ocean surface by high winds resulting in an unusual rise in water level causing coastal flooding.
A statistical analysis of past storm surges was performed to derive cyclone scenarios withThe probable extent of onshore inundation due to the range of tropical storms was not conducted due to lack of good quality data for input to a multi-scenario analysis using the MIKE21 Flow Model. The model uses a depthaveraged,
The model uses a depthaveraged,
National Profile
Parameters |
Scale |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Frequency |
Very Rarely |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Frequently |
Magnitude |
Trivial |
Small |
Moderate |
Large |
Very Large |
Duration |
Very Short |
Short |
Average |
Long |
Very Long |
Areal Extent |
Limited |
Very Sparsely |
Sparsely |
Densely |
Widespread |
Spatial Predictability |
Highly Predictable |
Predictable |
Likely |
Randomly |
Very Randomly |
Speed of onset |
Very Slow |
Slow |
Moderate |
Fast |
Very Fast |
Importance |
Not Important |
Somewhat Important |
Moderately |
Important |
Very Important |
Spatial Dispersion |
Very Concentrated |
Concentrated Moderately |
Moderately |
Diffused |
Widely Diffused |
District Profiles
Area/District |
Frequency Scale |
Magnitude Scale |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Western Area |
Bo |
Bonthe |
Moyamba |
Pujehun |
Bombali |
Port Loko |
Tonkolili |
Kambia |
Koinadugu |
Kenema |
Kono |
Kailahun |